Presenter on 106.7 Phoenix Fm Bendigo Victoria

Foundation Member of 106.7 Phoenix Fm in 2007
2017 The Tamworth Australian Country Music Broadcasters Hall Of Fame.
2018 J.P.Toomey Memorial Award for Services to Country Music.
Mal Norton' Entertainment Services known as "The Dusty Boot Awards "
2021 Victorian Senior of the year (COTA) Council Of The Aging.
2022 The Oder Of Austraia Medal "OAM"
2023 Australian Country Music Stars of Fame "Hunter Valley Division"Life Time Achievement.
Join Floreena 11am-1pm on Radio 106.7 Phoenix Fm Est Bendigo Victoria
with Country,Country Bluegrass,Blues,Ballads & Interviews.
Click on Phoenix Fm Logo above for
interviews & live music in the studio.
1st Commitee of 106.7 Phoenix Fm 2007. From Left.Photo Right. Floreena in the studioon 106.7 Phoenix Fm

Floreena Forbes Radio Bio
Floreena began broadcasting on 3 Triple C Fm Bendigo 1996 a local community radio station broadcasting from 120 McCrae St Bendigo presenting Country Music, classic’s, Bluegrass, programs.
Floreena also presented very popular Bluegrass Programs with Geoff Morris on 3 Triple C FM
Triple C Fm later became known as Fresh FM
During her time at Triple C Fm she trained many new announcers, and was on the Triple Fm Board of Directors for 6 months.
Floreena was recognized for organising several Fundraisers for Triple C Fm.by running Country Music concerts at the Botanical Gardens Hotel from 2001.2003. 2004.2005.2006 and rang three shows in 2006.
One such occasion was a Country & Rock and Roll Gala Spectacular Show which featured JeNe West from the USA along with many of Bendigo’s own local Artists such as Doug Bruce, Pete Gervasoni, Alley Gook, Cameron Mason, Penelope Somerville, Olive Bice, Floreena Forbes, Andrea Bice, Anne Conway, Jill Meehan, Colin James, Barry Kenny and Lyn Cook. Bands featured on these shows as a backing band and also performing in their own right were The Rebecca Somerville Band, Ovation Boys, Midnight Blues, 501, Avalanche, The Buzzards and Triple B Bluegrass Band.
She recalls a time when She was interviewing Local Bendigo Artist, Rebecca Sommerville in the studio of Triple C Fm, at the same time had another artist from the USA call in by the Phone line to the studio at the same time, they both were able to talk about a CD that had just released together.
Well known Country Music artist, Adam Brand came to Bendigo to do a shopping centre promotion and Triple C was asked to host his promotion at Lansall Plaza Shopping Centre, Kangaroo Flat. Floreena was given the honour of being the MC that day. The shopping centre was packed with the many fans having their hats, memorabilia and CD’s signed by Adam Brand.
2007 - 106.7 Phoenix Fm
In 2006 along with a group of former radio presenters started meeting with the view of possibly forming another community radio station in Bendigo with the view of bringing back true access community radio to our community. Floreena totally agreed with this sentiment and recruited others to this cause.
In 2008 she was diagnosed with had breast cancer and while undergoing treatment was evacuated from her home because of the bushfires that were close, her home was saved and a few months later she returned to 106,7 Phoenix FM.
In early days Floreena trained many new presenters on 106.7 Phoenix Fm and was quite involved with other members in fundraising to help Phoenix FM get to air as there were many expenses to be paid to get a licence. she put her hand up to run Country Music shows, Chocolate Drives and Bootscootin’ Fundraisers with all proceeds being donated 106.7 Phoenix Fm
and was elected to be one of the foundation Committee Members of 106.7 Phoenix Fm 2007 Foundation Committee Members “Peter Williams, Floreena Forbes, Eddy Ford, Anne Conway, Glenda Eddy, Geoff Morris, Brian Hotham.
Floreena included a half hour segments during my shows titled Country Music with Country Music Historian Jack Paten titled “Pioneers of Country” and “Your Pet & The Vet” with Veterinary Surgeon Kellie Anset BVSc
106.7 Phoenix Fm is a thriving radio station in Bendigo Central Victoria, broadcasting nationwide by streaming live bringing in requests and interviews from overseas as well as local.
Floreena promotes Country, Bush Balladeers & Bluegrass music on her radio programs and on her website www.floreena.com this website began in 2007 and continues today.Today she enjoys promoting other artists on her website Floreena Promotes Country and facebook pages.
During the Lockdown phase of the current pandemic, initially recorded her weekly program from her home studio but after a little while returned to live broadcasting as she was happy with the COVID Plan Phoenix FM had in place to keep all the presenters safe.
Floreena is still presenting programs on 106.7 Phoenix Fm Most Thursdays interviewing many of our past, present and future Australian Country Music artists, many going back from the early Tamworth years to now.

2023 - In the studio of 106.7 Phoenix Fm
2024 - July - Panel upgraded